International Orders International orders offers insured, low cost worldwide shipping via FedEx. International shipping usually takes 2 - 5 business days to most of the Western and developed countries. Shipping to Eastern Europe, Russia and some other countries may take longer. We do charge for International shipping. However, since we give our US customers free shipping, we give you some credit for that and charge less than the usual shipping cost. All of our packages are insured for the purchase price. We declare the value of each and every package for insurance and customs. We cannot claim that the package is a gift or has a lower value.
We ship to virtually every country on this planet, each one has its own ever changing system of rules, rates and regulations for bringing merchandise from overseas. It is not possible for us to track all this. You would need to check on your side if you need to know in advance how much, if any, import tax, customs duty or VAT you might have to pay when you receive your order. Please note that in virtually all International transaction, taxes are paid by the recipient at the time they receive the package. Because the online watch business is so competitve in the US are prices are very, very low. Many of our International customers report back that they save a lot of money ordering from us, even after they figure in the cost of shipping and taxes.
If you have any questions, the best way to contact us is via email to or We answer email virtually 24/7 from our office computer, home computers and cell phones. You may also phone us at 212-226-2548 or 646-875-5028. Our phones are answered from about 11:30 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday thru Friday. Our showroom is open 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM Eastern Time, Monday thru Friday. We are closed on weekends, evenings and major holidays.
Note that we have more than 5000 brand name Swiss watches on our website. Trying to stock so many different models would be unmanageable. The way our website works is, when you complete your order on the website, we order the watch for you through an official, authorized dealer for that brand. Therefore, it is not possible to pick watches up at our office unless they are pre-ordered in advance.